As a matter of fact, I just did the hard work for you! Please do implement, this took a bit of time and is a practically lag free but very useful feature! Here's the source: Note I have not compiled for you. After all, just using random, precompiled plugins from people you barely know (or do know for that matter) is a very bad idea. All developed and tested with the latest dev of bukkit, 1.6.4 compatible. If a user users book copy in creative, the book is copied without any cost to the user, so it's useful for mods/ops etc. If a user users book copy in survival, the book is copied only if the user has a spare book and quill in their inventory. this book and quill is destroyed and replaced with the new copy of the book. There are of course safeguards coded in: can't use from console, tries to remove the book/quill first before granting the new book, if the inventory ends up full somehow, the book is dropped by the users feet. The one and only command used is /BookCopy and it requires no plugins or dependencies, it is completely bukkit based.